
The most anticipated space missions of 2022

The most anticipated space missions of 2022

2021 was a huge year for the space industry: NASA flew a helicopter on Mars for the first time, China launched a new space station, and Star Trek’s own Captain Kirk (actor William Shatner) boldly went where no 90-year-old had gone before.

But the next 12 months will be arguably even more exciting, with bigger rocket launches, more space tourists, and a daring asteroid collision (don’t worry — it’s on purpose).

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A papyrus reveals how the Great Pyramid was built

A papyrus reveals how the Great Pyramid was built

The Great Pyramid in Egypt is the last of the ancient Seven Wonders of the World. The tomb for Pharaoh Khufu — “Cheops” in Greek — sits on the Giza plateau about 3 kilometers southwest of Egypt’s capitol Cairo, and it’s huge: nearly 147 meters high and 230.4 meters on each side (it’s now slightly smaller due to erosion). Built of roughly 2.3 million limestone and rose granite stones from hundreds of kilometers away, it’s long posed a couple of vexing and fascinating mysteries: How did the ancient Egyptians manage to get all of these stones to Giza, and how did they build such a monumental object?

For the full article, click here.

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