(LifeSiteNews) — The world needs Africa. It’s a place where Christianity has managed to stay strong amid a world that is increasingly abandoning the Christian name and running towards the insanity that is wokeism, found in gender ideology, abortion, and the like. For...
EXCLUSIVE: Bishop Strickland urges bishops to say ‘no’ to Francis’ ‘blessings’ of gay couples
In an exclusive video statement for LifeSiteNews, Bishop Joseph Strickland called on all Catholics, and especially on bishops, to reject Pope Francis’ new ‘blessings’ for homosexual couples. For the full article, click here.
Col. Douglas Macgregor tells Tucker that US handling of Ukraine war has ‘backfired’
‘What we need to do now is stop this and come to a settlement’ before this war with Russia ‘reach[es] us here in the United States,’ the decorated retired colonel said. For the full article, click here.
Uganda president issues rebuke of pro-LGBT ‘neocolonialists’ after World Bank cancelation
(LifeSiteNews) — The president of Uganda has issued a follow-up statement to remarks he gave earlier this month when he said Uganda will not be blackmailed into accepting loans from the West if it means embracing homosexuality. For the full article, click here.